Most auto repairs will require you to purchase replacement parts. When buying these parts you need to know that you have several different options available to you. Each of these options offers its advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about each of these options by continuing to read below.
Option 1: Buying Brand New Replacement Parts
This first option is the option that most people are familiar with. If all of your auto repairs are completed by a mechanic, there is a good chance that this is the option you traditionally use since repair shops almost always order new replacement parts through the manufacturer. However, you can also choose to use this option when completing your own repairs by simply visiting a local auto supply store. The most notable benefit to using this option is that new parts are often accompanied by a lengthy warranty. On the downside, these parts will be the most expensive parts that you can purchase.
Option 2: Buying Used Replacement Parts
Used auto parts can often be purchased from local salvage yards. These parts are removed from vehicles that have suffered damage and are no longer drivable. While the vehicle as a whole may no longer be roadworthy, these vehicles often still have many usable parts on them. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to verify how much life a used part has left in it. This means that there is a higher risk that you will need to replace the part again sooner than if you were to install a brand-new part. It is for this reason that used parts are sold at a much lower price and without any warranty coverage.
Option 3: Buying Rebuilt or Refurbished Replacement Parts
While some people will group rebuilt and refurbished parts in with used parts, there is a major distinction between these two options. While used parts are sold immediately after being removed from another vehicle, rebuilt and refurbished parts go through a process before being sold. This process includes cleaning, inspecting, and repairing the part so that it is restored to a like-new condition before it is sold. It is this process that allows retailers to sell these parts with warranty coverage. In many ways, this option combines the benefits of both previous options since it these parts come with less risk than standard used parts while still offering a lower price than brand-new parts. Consequently, this option is often ideal when making a major repair such as replacing your engine or transmission.
Reach out to an auto repair service to learn more.